
Planned Maintenance

Whether residential, commercial or educational we tailor your PMP so you can manage your assets and keep your buildings in good condition year after year.

Protect your assets with a Planned Maintenance Programme

The fact is that poorly managed building maintenance results in reactive repairs and significant increased costs.

Imagine being able to better predict building repairs, manage maintenance funds and reduce the risk of being caught out by things like unexpected roof repairs or replacement of the communal floor coverings.

With our Home-Approved Planned Maintenance Programme service in place you’ll be better placed to keep your buildings in good condition, ensure that necessary works are carried out in a timely manner and so maintain the value of the building and, importantly, give confidence to tenants, leaseholders and users of the building that things are being well maintained and correctly managed.

Many types of buildings could benefit from a Planned Maintenance Programmes

What a Home-Approved Planned Maintenance Programme provides

An initial survey will be conducted to assess the building’s condition. Using specialist equipment such as long-reach cameras and drones, every aspect of the building is covered – from the roof, chimneys and guttering to floors, walls, doors and windows. Electrical components will be inspected in communal areas, surface and foul drainage checked and, if required, roads, paving and landscaping will be included in the survey.

The findings are then presented in a comprehensive report, clearly setting out ongoing maintenance and repair requirements, highlighting priority issues and when others are likely to arise. The information is supported by cost schedules that are broken down over the first 5 years and then in blocks of 5, 10, 15 or 20 years – a valuable tool that can be adjusted year on year, provides a comparison of actual and predicted costs and enables better management of maintenance funds.

Who can benefit?

Whilst many companies focus on servicing residential blocks, we believe that many other buildings can benefit from a planned maintenance programme, including:

  • Offices
  • Commercial premises
  • Churches
  • Recreational buildings
  • Private educational buildings

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