The key to a happy house move is organisation.
Whether you’ve moved umpteen times or this is your first move to a new home, there is much to do. No matter how organised you might like to think you are, moving home is right up there on the list of most stressful life events; it’s all too easy to overlook important details. So here is our moving home checklist detailing everything you need to do.
Building and contents insurance
Let your current provider know that you’re moving and decide whether to stick with the same company for your new home or find another.
Utilities – electric, gas, water
Let your providers know the date on which you’re moving. Provide final meter readings when you vacate the property.
Contact your local authority
Request a final statement of your council tax – you may be eligible for a refund.
Get your mail redirected
The Royal Mail’s redirection service will ensure personal details do not fall into the wrong hands. You can arrange redirection for three, six or 12 months but be aware that the Royal Mail requires five days’ notice to arrange the redirection.

There are many details to consider when moving house. Our checklist can help you have a stress-free move.
Get ready to move
If you are selling your current home, you will most likely have done an amount of decluttering already to make it look good for viewings. But now you’re actually moving it’s a good idea to really think about what possessions you do or don’t want. Have a good sort out, decide what’s destined for charity shops, the recycling centre, selling sites or car boot sale.
Book a removals company. Get quotes from several and make sure you get references to ensure they are a reputable company.
Order packing boxes/cases and pack non-essentials several weeks before your moving date. Label every box!
Book holiday if you need time off work for the move.
Run down the freezer to avoid wasting food.
If you have children and/or pets, decide whether they need to be looked after on the moving day itself. Knowing that they are with friends or family will remove a level of stress when so much is going on.
Keep the vacuum cleaner and other cleaning equipment handy for a last-minute clean and tidy of your old home before you leave.
Once you’ve moved in
If you have to pay Stamp Duty you’ll need to make payment within 20 days of completion.
Make sure your home insurance is in place.
Change the locks. You don’t know how many keys may have been in circulation, so it would be safest to know that you have new locks on all entrances.
Take meter readings (date stamped photographic evidence would be useful).
Register with a new local GP, dentist and optician.
Update your details on the electoral roll.
Send out a change of address notification to family and friends.
Who else needs to know your new address?
Changing your address details is one of the most time-consuming tasks on the moving home checklist. There will be many organisations to which you’ll need to provide your new contact details, including:
- Your bank, building society, credit card providers
- DVLA for your driving licence and your vehicle registration
- TV licensing
- Mobile phone network provider
- Telecoms provider
- Broadband provider
- Insurance companies – your car, mobile phone, life/health cover
- Emergency breakdown services provider
- Your employer
- Children’s nursery/school/college
- Clubs eg gym memberships
- Any organisations that you use for deliveries eg supermarkets and make sure you update your stored details with online suppliers such as Amazon
- Don’t forget your pets – pet insurance and update your details on microchip databases
Photo credits
- Moving home photo: freepik
- Edwardian houses photo © Christine Matthews (cc-by-sa/2.0)